Girls Who Start
National Leadership Team
Applications 2023-2024
We are adding new leadership positions as part of our international organization for 2023-2024. As a member of our national leadership team, you will be listed on our website, maintain certain responsibilities for your specific role, take part in leading an international organization, learn valuable leadership and management skills, and connect with young women across the world.
*Applications are due September 2nd
Girls Who Start Strategic Goals 2023-2024
1. Continue global expansion of chapters to middle schools, high schools, and colleges
2. Creating meaningful international and local chapter events
3. Provide leadership opportunities for young women
4. Maintain a strong international community of young women interested in entrepreneurship and leadership
After you complete this form, you will be contacted to coordinate a time to meet for an official interview.
Any questions? Reach out to
Girls Who Start National Leadership Opportunities
Director, Multimedia
Create recap posts and videos for Girls Who Start events to be posted on social media
Create publicity on social media leading up to events
Assistant Director, Mentorship
Continue to develop program to guide and advise chapter presidents as they lead their chapters
Coordinate mentorship groups and organize monthly meetings
Manage resources for chapter presidents
Co-Director, Hackathons and Startup Competitions
Lead the 2024 annual Hackathon by organizing and leading a team and managing programming, marketing, and finance
Co-Director, GWS Annual Summit
Lead the 2024 annual Summit by organizing and leading a team and managing programming, marketing, and finance
Co-Director, Technology and Data Analytics
Manage our communications platforms for chapter presidents
Manage membership database
Survey members and chapter presidents
GWS Weekly Publication Primary Writers
Write at least one original article per month with content on women in business
Help plan the Summer Writing Workshop
Recruit writers